Apply Analytics at Gym
With Alteryx, you can seamlessly connect to and blend data sets to identify new versus returning customers.
Gym is a good business with lot of data just lying in the system. A gym client gave it a shot to understand if the data could help with generating more revenue and reduced costs. The answer was yes! To start with- understanding the data was essential, transforming the data was the next step which led to unleash hidden insights and answering questions of the business.
Business Challenge/Problem:
- Understand if the group or individual will be joining the gym in future.
- Recommend the class substitutions based on member behaviors to boost attendance.
- Report revenues based on different types of customer segments.
Working Solution:
- Data is stored in QuickBooks; data is captured via the mobile applications and the websites – the traffic can be monitored via google analytics.
- The data is massaged, blended and transformed to produce the reports on descriptive analytics – how the business is doing at the current stage.
Benefits Achieved
Following questions were answered:
- Will the sales be higher in next 3 months?
- What is the total membership likely to be in next 6 months, while considering seasonality and attrition?
- Is the new membership uptick in October a seasonal expectation, an anomaly, or the result of a recent growth trend?
- Which location is likely to produce the most revenue 6 months from now?
- Is the group or individual likely to respond after the 1-week trial classes?
- How can we increase traffic on both- mobile applications and websites?
Main benefits achieved: –
- A lot of business questions were answered.
- Reduction of costs in the marketing campaigns based on the consumer behavior analysis.
- Reduced number of days in terms of effort on manual cleansing and reports refreshed daily.
- Location(branch) based revenue analysis helped in strategizing offers-which bought in many long-term customers.
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