Educational Training group (Data Automation)

6 May 2022
Educational Training group (Data Automation)


An upcoming marketing agency possessed customer engagement data, and user data based on different demographics, retail channel partners data. Now that they had collated a large amount of data, they wanted to put it to some sort of use either on ROI or to generate insights which could lead to ROI.


The dataset had to be cleansed and transformed to get them in order to reporting. The analyst had to do it from scratch and there were a lot of data points which needed intensive planning.


The data analyst hired did a great job by extracting all the data into a local system with high configuration with an instance of the table. Data from multiple sources was blended together, transformed it into reporting format saving days of manual work.

Benefits Achieved

  • Reduction of manual jobs
  • Annual savings of 1 FTE
  • Process Automation
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