FinTech crowdfunding app

8 April 2022
FinTech crowdfunding app


A fintech based crowdfunding platform connects the investors and credit worthy borrowers. The organisation started collecting a lot of data in a short span of time leading to difficulty in generating insights. The management decided to simplify the process by adding CRM system, where all the data was recorded.


In the short span of time, a huge volume of data had been generated. The dashboards on excel crashed the moment there was any filter or selection.

Multiple teams accessed the reports and the work done created duplicates in the data causing incorrect information.


Using tableau, the whole system was designed within 2 months against a time period of 5 months in average product size. The powerful blending capabilities of tableau helped the users to extract the data in the right format. An analytics team was set up, where the organisation hired tableau developers to build reports used from management level down to the user level. It was much easier to extract reports and share within the organisation in no time. The scheduling capabilities of tableau helped in delivering the project reports real time.

Benefits Achieved

  • Data driven decisions
  • Time savings by 60% in implementation
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