Health services chain (Data Science)

6 May 2022
Health services chain (Data Science)


A health services chain that provides specialty care, primary care and dentistry care was looking to invest in analytics to understand the patient engagement and behaviour. The patients like to be informed about their well-being, so is the business. It is two-way street.


Understanding the patient’s engagement and behaviour individually is a huge task in itself. One of the major challenges was to prioritise the data, extracting it to determine which patients are likely to be no-shows for their appointments as this was affecting the cost in a major way in the health services chain.


Two hires- a data analyst and a data scientist. A data analyst extracted the data, performed data cleansing activities, transformed it into the required structured format. The data scientist created a model using various variables to provide information to the administrators which helped them better plan the clinic schedules and allocation of doctors at that point of time.

Benefits Achieved

  • Cost Savings by 21%
  • Real time report
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